It happens to many of us. We get into the habit of not prioritizing ourselves, and focus heavily on reaching other goals and aspirations. If you’re into health and fitness like myself, you may begin to dismiss your consistent patterns, and become complacent. I can tell you from personal experience, do not do that.
We all get very busy, but at the end of the day, we have to also take care of ourselves. We have to apply the same healthy lifestyle habits that we preach to others on a daily basis. You cannot just talk the talk, you’ve got to walk the walk too. What many of you may not know, if you skip meals, don’t reach your water intake goal, skip time to decompress and/ or skip physical movement, you’re setting yourself up for dysfunction. Doing all of the above can raise stress levels, thus can lead to gut dysfunction over time. This is why you absolutely must take time for yourself.
Do not allow for things in your life that do not serve you purpose either. That will only deprive you of valuable energy that you can utilize for yourself. Living a healthier lifestyle in general allows you to be successful with business and your endeavors.
So if you’ve noticed that you’ve fallen into a slump and are having a difficult time getting back into the swing of things, just know it happens to the best of us. However, only YOU can pull yourself back out. Start to implement healthy habits back in, and gradually continue to establish your routine. Plan ahead to set yourself up for success. Sit down and figure out your schedule with how you’re going to execute everything. Even if you’re extremely busy, time can still be made. This is all possible.
Take your physique goals out of the equation for a moment. This is for your health. You’ve only got this one life. Why waste it by throwing your life away when you can live it? Why set yourself to be stuck on so many medications or diseases later on all because you just couldn’t seem to devote the time for yourself?
Take care of yourself, you owe it to yourself.